Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Blues.

Most people, - including myself - waited about the whole school year for the hols, and now, as we only have around 10 days of hols, i am dreading them. Yup, i might as well just tell myself im crazy. I miss IT. What IT exactly is, even im not sure.
Mayb IT is life, yup, im pretty sure thats IT.

So, if im missing life, that means im not really living it. During my lifeless life, i've let my imagination run wild. So, im posting one of those stories from my head.

Mr. Not So Perfect

There I was, just standing infront of the class, waiting. But, what was i waiting for? Someone to point out where i was supposed to sit, or for someone to point out that i was in the wrong class in the first place?

It's the middle of the year and i had to be relocated to a new school, a different school. The reason for the relocation: my dad's promotion. Yes, my mum explained that it was good for us all, she just forgot to explain that ALL of us had to totally move immediatly.

So, here i am, regretting for not begging harder. Face red, confidence bruised and most of all, embarressed beyond limits in front of people i'd either end up being friends with, or being tortured by? Talk about high school drama.

i'll keep posting.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Moon

loved the movie, definitely a must watch. way better than twilight.

Sunday, October 11, 2009




Saturday, October 10, 2009



i cant help myself, i want to make a video. but i cant. i want to make it about a song thats been playing in my mind for quite some time (im probably sure i sound bonkers). the song is a really great song sung by really talented singers. so heres a few songs i think ppl should know more about.

i remember - damien rice
cannonball - damien rice
the blower's daughter - damien rice
i've just seen a face - jim sturgess
because - OST across the universe
oh chariot - gavin degraw

thats all for now

your an island of reality in an ocean of diarhoea

yours truly,
arisya xoxo.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

scars, glue and tears for raya

okay, so before i start writing, i want to wish everyone out there Selamat Hari Raya, i apologize, if i've done anything wrong to anyone.

scars, just a day before raya, while helping with mum's rendang, i burnt my right hand, again. it was painfull and pink-ish. i thought it was gonna inflate and turn out like the other scar on my left hand. i think the scar on the right hand is gonna dissapear, but maybe not the one on the left hand. well, whatever it is, its leaving a scar that looks a little bit like a tadpole.

glue, okay here is something no one should do, doesnt matter if your helping a friend or your doing it yourself.

1. break your glasses, (and decide to fix it yourself.)
2. use UHU glue or gam gajah to fix it
3. fix it in the dark at night, while your in the car. (especially if your the one who needs glasses)
4. drip the glue on your lens
5. and finally, try to fix it by wiping it with a tissue or wet wipes.

you will get an even bigger problem.

tears, an insane tradition that just happens to my family by nature, every raya. we always cry when it came time to apologize. this year, i tried to break this force of nature, but when it came to the real thing, i cried like a water pipe left open. so, my whole family shed our tears, and we stopped that when we got our duit raya :)

if im a retard, what are you?


Thursday, September 17, 2009


so, its been long since i blogged, time passes by so fast, i just cant keep much track of it. i have so many things to say, but so little time to blog about it. so, im just gonna list a few songs that i think everyone should listen to:

1. use somebody-paramore cover at live lounge
2. ignorance-paramore
3. noticed-mute math
4. foundations-kate nash
5. touch-flamboyant bella
6. love has got me stoned-flamboyant bella
7. my skies-flamboyant bella
8. details in the fabric-jason mraz feat. james morrison
9. never say never-the fray

thats all,

ill keep posting


Saturday, September 5, 2009

lets see..

before i start posting bout another stupid (but true) story, i wanna thank alishya, farah, dany and nahar for introducing good music to me. without music, i swear id be lost.

okay, the story.

one day, my family went to my uncles house for buka puasa. after buka and prayers and all, my nephew pooped. my sister and brother in law went to wash the poop, it didnt stink, much. okay, the house is so fancy-shmancy, my brother in law didnt want to throw the poop in the toilet, it'll be like putting a stink bomb that can explode anytime. so, my bro in law put it in his baju melayu pocket(it was wrapped ofcourse.) he wanted to throw it outside, but he played snooker first. on the way back home, he felt his pocket and he was like "alya, apa dalam pocket abang ni?" and he took out the dirty diaper. he thought of just throwing it out but instead he kept it until we found a nearby dump, so, haha. the car stank.

live, learn, love

arisya :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

stupid experience.

okay, so this is totally true. it happened to me.

on friday, the day that i had to send my geo project(which obviously i tak buat), something stupid happened. i woke up at 10, and i started on my project. i was doing it, when i got a call from my sister anis, she said it was urgent. she left her new aldo shoes on the car and drove off. so, she asked me and my other sister aimi to look for it. we went looking for it on foot. it was stupid coz we were still wearing our pyjamas, mine a skirt and tee, her's a polka dotted pants and sweatshirt. blm mandi or anything and we started looking for it. we walked and walked until the highway and then.... i saw nawal!! she saw me too. i swear i looked like a crazy woman. so, in the end we did find the shoebox but not the shoe..

love is good for the soul..


Saturday, August 29, 2009


right now i am seriously clueless, i thought of blogging bout something but i forgot it. so, i'll blog, when i find something interesting.

my intro.

So, this is my first time blogging. i dont know what to say. life, my life can be very uninteresting. i miss all my friends since the bloody hols have brought nothing but mostly misery. i miss ally, frh, qlar and everyone else. i love music, and stupid stuff. i believe in karma, what goes around comes around.

patience is a virtue.